olevia cdc

The Impact of Literacy


“Once you learn to read, you will forever be.”
-Frederick Douglass




The Olevia CDC is committed to the promotion of literacy in the Fifth Ward Community.

Literacy empowers individuals by giving them the tools to access information, express themselves, and participate fully in society. It enables people to make informed decisions, engage in critical thinking, and exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens.

It enables children to acquire knowledge, learn new skills, and pursue higher education. Without literacy, educational opportunities are limited, hindering personal and professional development.

In a society that is ever-changing and growing, cultural preservation is vital. Literacy plays a major role in preserving cultural heritage and fostering cultural expression.

Literacy is also closely linked to economic well-being. In today’s knowledge-based economies, literacy skills are essential for finding employment. Literate individuals are more likely to have better job prospects and earn higher wages.

It also plays a significant role in promoting health and wellbeing, enabling citizens to make informed decisions about healthcare services.

We would like to encourage lifelong learning. Expanding horizons, broadening perspectives and opening up a world of knowledge and imagination.

Overall we promote literacy because its importance extends far beyond reading and writing, impacting education, economics, health, and social integration.